Web Pages Planner


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Is Your Website Working For You?

  1. Are you getting a steady stream of prospects contacting you ?
  2. Do people get all their questions answered and decide you and your offers are the best solution for them?
  3. Do you get tons of opt-ins and covert 5% or more of your visitors to sales?

This is what your website should be do:

  • Give each visitor the answers they are searching for
  • Offer them an irresistible reason to give you their email information
  • And walk them through a journey toward working with you

GIVE them a reason when they land on your site to connect with you

TELL them why you are the answer to their prayers

SHOW them the next steps to stay in touch before they click away into internet oblivion

Here is an easy 44 page planner to turn you website’s pages into a satisfying journey for your prospects… and a profit generating machine for you.


Web Pages Planner at www.ShopPeopleoftheMind.com


You see, if you want to engage each visitor to your site, every page must be designed carefully, and that’s what this Web Pages Planner teaches you.

All you have to do is follow the instructions in the planner, fill out the exercises, and you will have a powerful plan to convert your ghost town website into a customer attracting online metropolis


Never again worry about:

  • People clicking off your site in 10 seconds or less
  • Having visitors…but no way to ever contact them again
  • Having them land on your site… only to be confused and click away

With the Web Pages Planner You will:

  • Pinpoint The Purpose of Your Website And The Client You Serve
So you are not just getting bargain hunters and freebie seekers
  • Design Your Customers Journey
So they logically proceed through your site they way that best educates them on your value
  • Create The Ideal Homepage
That is in totally alignment with the action you want each visitor to take
  • Create a Compelling About Page
That tells your unique story while speaking directly to their pain points
  • Compel Potential Clients To Trust You
With these must-have elements
  • Showcase Your Expertise
So clients will know you are the go-to expert
  • Everything For That Opt-In
Get great tips you may not even know that can double your op-in rate

This planner, in conjunction with the Website Planner, will cover everything you need to know for an email capturing, profit making, customer engaging website.

Add it to your cart and start reaping the rewards!



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